He never takes me seriously when i come running to him for help. My fear of bugs started at a young age. I am in my 50’s and have always had a fear of bugs. Thank goodness there are others like me, I find bugs just so terrifying and my parents say that I should get over it but I just can’t. Isopterophobia; Phobia of Termites & Insects that Eat Wood My parents think it’s pretty childish of me to do all of this but i can’t help it, my friends tease me over it and it makes me feel worse about it because i feel like i can’t help it. I hate bugs, even butterflies. I am not that afraid of worms, but caterpillars just look so creepy.. uhh that reminds me of a story, so i was playing outside when i went back to the house to take a shower. My mom tells me I just need to get over it, but I literally can’t. In dominican its hot and the bugs are bigger and there are more bugs than in U.S.A. I wasn’t afraid of bugs as a kid. When I just looked at the picture with the bug on it scared me to the point of screaming! The only way to stop your fear is to learn about it and ask yourself why am i afraid of this, is it what i have been conditioned to feel, or did you have a traumatic experience that has stayed with you. Shaking chills 3. They petrify me. Eventually we got kicked out of there because our neighbors blamed the bug problem on us and tried to say we needed to pay for their moving cost. I barely ever have nightmares but when I do it’s about bugs. Like 50% of people my brothers are not afraid of bugs like i am. Now, if I spy a bug on the ceiling I yell for someone to come kill it and bolt out of the room or don’t move. Whenever I’m around any kind of bug I freak out. report. Well when she would get paid she’d buy a single can of bed bug spray and use it on her bed but only when she started seeing the bed bugs. A combination of therapies including drug therapy, desensitization, psychotherapy etc is proven beneficial in treating the fear of bugs phobia. In the living room a caterpillar fell out of my shirt i was so terrified i jumped up.. well there are more stories but before i go i wanna say that. I’m not sure when this fear started, but I can’t get past it. I am just so afraid of their little legs and the way they crawl/fly. My dads fed up, he says that if he hears the word bees or wasps then i’m living on my own. Wow this is so me I hate bugs so much. My parents tell me to grow up and no one knows I’m afraid of them to this extent. Knowing that an insect has the ability to fly is probably the most scary part. If there is a bug I sit on the couch or a chair with my feet off the floor until someone else takes care of it. I’ve seen lady bugs and crickets invade spaces before and be no longer “cute.”. I was so scared it wouldn’t get off me and people were laughing and I felt like I was going to die. The problem is, the only window that works in my room is right next to my bed. It is really rough because I work 12-14hr days and I’m exhausted but fear of any kind of bug just sends me into an internal panic. Or when i see a dead insect or a picture of one I can’t look at it and when I do I feel a little light headed and I instantly close my eyes or bring my hands to my eyes and is unable to look at it. I am always afraid. Required fields are marked *. I worked at closing every opening into the apartment where bugs could enter. Am I one of these people or not? An entomophobe? Complex phobias, such as agoraphobia and social phobia, are more likely to cause these symptoms. The one thing to know is they are not out to get you. I couldn’t touch/kill a single bug… what should I do…? I was slowly getting healed but now, the summer is about to come again and i started to panic again. If it has only been a very short period of time maybe wait to see if it eases up. I HATE bugs and one time I was playing a game and then a small bug jumped on my thumb and then I screamed and cried my sister and mother laughed at me. Some display obsessive compulsive disorder where they may clean constantly to repel bugs. A common phobia in children is a phobia of animals, such as snakes, spiders, insects/bugs, rodents, and dogs. A feeling of disgust or aversion is the common response to this phobia. The repulsion to this insect can be due to multiple factors: such as its anatomical structure, its ability to transmit diseases, the fact that they feed on putrefaction or that some are able to fly. Physical symptoms like nausea, shaking, trembling, headaches, crying, screaming at the sight of bugs. Why? I am pretty sure this fear started when I was about 5 years old. In some patients, the condition results in Delusory Parasitosis, a mental illness where the patient feels constant ‘prickling, tingling, creeping, crawling or burrowing sensations akin to insects present on the skin. When she is driving, the smallest type of bug cause her to have a car accident. I ran out of my college classroom during a lecture because a wasp was buzzing around… I couldn’t keep my eyes off it, then I got my friend’s attention, so she asked the professor to kill it. Entomophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an excessive or unrealistic fear of one or more classes of insect, and classified as a phobia by the DSM-5. My city was having a storm so the streets were flooded, roaches started to crawl out of sewers because of that. My trash is probably cleaner than many kitchens. Plus my parents are foreign so they will most definitely not understand! (Note that most cures offered for insect phobia – expecially using drugs and medications – will tackle only the symptoms, not the thinking that is the actual core of the problem). I don’t know if I have entomophobia, but there are some things that lead me to believe that I might have a minor form of it. I like to keep spiders alive to deal with them. I once fell over on the pavement at a bus stop because a wasp flew near me. Many times this fear develops after a bad experience with one of these insects. My fear had gotten worse a year ago, when I spent 2 months at a relatives house which was also infested by those home wreckers. My daughter is so scared of all bugs, she hurt herself and others, just trying to get away from the bugs. 2  Some people who have Now i try to watch what i do but it’s hard. I caulked and sealed any space where pipes enter under sinks, etc. Feeling of choking or strangulation 6. I tend to scratch, swat, and pick at myself whenever I see a bug. I think it might later get so bad you won’t be able to do what you want in the future. So we ended up moving and alot of stuff was thrown out because only two people can do so much moving of boxes and furniture in one night. I always feel like it’s around me. I refuse to visit them, or be around them because of it. The reason is that all my ex friends kind of live in places where bugs are present.. in their houses!! Once i almost passed out and almost had a car crash because of a bee. Well, I also believe I have this because I hate going outside where I know there will be bugs and I can’t even look at grasshoppers. I think I have it, but not an extreme form. So we sprayed bug spray and put down chemical and nonchemical barriers. There is really no one to sympathize with me because this is not something that happens to everyone. Instead of killing it i ran to my room and closed the door, didn’t come out of my room. Entomophobia Symptoms Phobias should never be taken very lightly. I start crying, screaming and shaking. My house is always so clean and tidy because my mom likes it that way, but sometimes, I dunno why, roaches and spiders just runs out of NOWHERE and totally freaks me out because my mom doesn’t like bugs too much, each time there’s one she either calls the maid to finish it or ME, I just can’t bear it! At first I thought she was lying, but I found out it was true. What is the proper term for someone with this phobia? Obesity. Someone, anyone please help me help my son and myself. But I think everything started last year. Keeping in touch with this website. I don’t really know if I have this phobia. 🙂 I’m uneasy with many bugs tho I’ve found wooly aphids kind of cute and butterflies are not a problem to me, tho I don’t want even them to be on me. I have it all, this page explains me so well and I’m gonna keep in touch with this website. When I finally do get settled in and can at least sit on the bed or chair my eyes are constantly looking for anything that may move. That was worse considering my family. Everyone is sleeping and I tried calling them and messaging them and everything. This is so embarrassing for me to even tell my Dr. but it does affect my daily life severely. > For help chaging these patterns of thinking, read this article How to Overcome Insect Phobia. At night I feel like bugs are inside my skin, due to a house I lived in once had a flea infestation, now moved. There was once when I was taking a shower and I noticed a cockroach and that caused me to scream at the top of my lungs and jump right onto the toilet. I couldn’t sleep at all and had an insomnia. Again we had a few hours to get out so we put what we could in storage and stayed in a hotel until we got into another house. Entomophobias #whatbugsme What is your phobia? I don’t go anywhere outside unless it’s a really short trip, I’m required to go, or it’s snowing outside. Bug Phobias are Real. When I see bugs whether it’s a picture or real thing always gag, tremble,scream,run frantically, and sometimes cry. I really want to get over it because its embarrassing when I get scared at school and try to stay away from a bug I see but its really obvious that I’m afraid. There, I couldn’t breathe and take my eyes off. The most timid animal ever I’m terrified of is a dang beardie. Definitely. 10 minutes after I woke up. Fear of insects mainly includes a disgust response or aversion to bugs. I am also very afraid of insects, especially if they fly. The mom supplied us with one cookie each and all of us were excited. I am more afraid not to kill a bug than to run away from it, much as I want to. In severe cases of Entomophobia, people have been known to self-mutilate or scratch intensely, leading to severe skin infections. I feel the same way. I’m in the exact same situation. My hubby tried bug spray which worked for a few months and then we needed to bomb so we did. I used to stay in Malaysia and there’s loads of roaches. Spiders and I have an agreement.. don’t come near me, and you don’t die or see me run off. All types of bugs make me feel horrible and i don’t know what i can do to fix it. In some cases, Acarophobia can severely consume a person’s life in that; one is so afraid of insects that s/he refuses to leave the house to avoid encountering bugs. It took me hours to cry it out and when it finally came out of my eyes it was still alive. If I even think one is near or think I see one I flip out and start batting around and look like a fool. I always live in constant fear of bugs with my family. Plus I have bad eye sight. Can someone help me out? And I was so scared I slept in my moms room…. I ended up finding another small beetle-like thing on it and so I went to our guest room and slept there. I don’t know when my fear of bugs, insects or anything related to them actually started. Don’t worry, I have Entomophobia too, you’re not alone. Even when someone mention them, I instantly start itching. When I feel worried about insects, I begin to feel sensations at various points on my body, namely my neck, legs and arms. And I know butterflies are pretty and some insects and bugs are too. I cant even weed the flower garden. Obsessive Thoughts; Difficulty thinking about anything other than the fear; Really bad images and/or movies of insects or bugs; Feelings of unreality or of being detached from yourself; Fear of losing control or going crazy; Fear of fainting Well the fleas were easy to exterminate with natural oil lotions for the pets and general cleaning. A deep sense of gloom or feelings of being overwhelmed are also symptoms and could potentially manifest themselves as a panic attack. 😱. So as I got ready for bed, I left it open. Phobias Symptoms & Causes. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. You guys are like my people. They make me want to run screaming in the night tho except.. that there might be ticks out there too. My parents, especially my dad don’t really understand and point out that they can’t hurt me. And before there was a bug (idk what kind) in my room at night time. Could I have acarophobia if I get an itching feeling all over my body when I see little creatures such as ants, spiders or flies? When I was younger, I watched fear factor a LOT and I think that contributed to my fear. These symptoms may include: Rapid heart rate; Trembling; Sweating; Rapid heart rate; Nausea and shortness of breath; Treatment Options for Fear of Bugs When people see trigger objects, they experience symptoms such as severe fear, nausea, itching, sweating, shaking, and even panic attacks. Physical symptoms like nausea, shaking, trembling, headaches, crying, screaming at the sight of bugs. All creatures on the planet have a purpose and path in life. The earlier you get help, the better. I used to live in the dominican so I was used to bugs and big creepy bugs like spiders and snakes but now that i live in the u.s.a so now i have the phobia and i dont know how i got it. I saw a huge cockroach today and it was pretty big, around 1 1/2 inches. moths - Mottephobia. If anyone knows this name, please tell me, I’m tired of itching and nothing is there. I’m not sure if she has the phobia, because we go on a lot of nature walks and she loves the grasshoppers and butterflies, but most bugs she has meltdowns over. I tried so many times to overcome this fear but i just couldn’t and i don’t think that i will ever. When it landed, I ran out of the classroom as fast as possible… When he killed it, I returned (he killed it on a table far away from mine, or else I wouldn’t have returned – too afraid of that stinger). Do I need to see the doc? It hurts me most when people close to me tell me that I am just over reacting to either get attention or get myself out of trouble. I felt my heart drop, I started shaking and got on the toilet, I tried spraying it and It wouldn’t die. We were all good and then our neighbors began spraying for fleas and bed bugs. Another day-I almost ate a wasp. One night I woke up with a jumping spider in my eye. You can test the severity of your problem with this 2-minute online insect phobia test. I’ve had dreams of that. Anyway at our new home we didnt see any roaches or bed bugs. I went to grab the thing and I got it’s leg, but the leg just came off and that made my sister cry even more. I can’t kill em unless I spray em and if not no contact whatsoever, not with a shoe, a tissue, nothing. The causes on these, I’m nothing like them. Like I can’t even sleep because I’m worried that the bugs will do something to me. I hadn’t been able to live my life. I never like to go outside as there are so many bugs in my large tree filled property. Animal phobias are the most common specific phobias. Basically i shut myself in the house and when i do go outside i get scared like i don’t want to cut the grass or weed the garden because i jump at the sight of them. House was built in the 60’s or something. What I think you should do is buy lots of bug spray, and don’t go outside and camping as much as you might. I will probably go to a psychoanalyst after the exam for university. This definitely isn’t the most extreme reaction to insects, but my family still thinks it’s unreasonable. Sleeping on the couch affected my back and my whole body and bones started to hurt me. But because the fear is a physical response to patterns of thinking about insects or bugs and not the actual insects or bugs almost all people with insect phobia can create a very strong reaction just by using their mind. It’ll take some time depending on how serious it is, but as long as you keep putting in effort, the result will seriously be a relief. The more you know about Insects, what they do how they live and what they bring to the planet the fear will dissipate. I’m pretty sure I have Entomophobia but I’m not sure it’s worth going to a doctor for. I was just freaking out because I heard a bug flying in the room I was in. I will start crying if one comes near me. And any other insect, I just hate them and I’m really scared to be close to one. One time i remember my dad joking around about a bug being near me on the couch and i immediately started crying and trying to swag off whatever was on me or near me and he stopped laughing and told me to grow up because my response to that was completely childish and uncalled for. Every ant I encounter I kill. Last summer I had depression because of it. Once a week I wait until the neighbors are likely to be asleep so I won’t bother them with fumes and then spray in front of my door, down the steps, and around the exterior. I hate them, they serve no real benefit to anything except the virus’s they carry around and they’re evil. This thread is archived. I was terrified and i phoned my parents. It wasn’t big and not a fast walker. Every time I have sensations of tingling, itching, or some sense of hair movement anywhere on my body, my mind immediately goes to ants or something of the like. Some of the most common and prominent symptoms for this disorder are: 1. Entomophobia (also known as insectophobia) is characterized by an excessive or unrealistic fear of one or more classes of insect. Often phobias develop in childhood (and we move past them), or they can manifest after a traumatic event. The only way it helps, though, is if you open a window so it can push air out and bring cold air in. I can’t even hold my sisters bearded dragon. I can’t sleep at all! I don’t like bugs, but I only fear them if they can get in my ears. Would thinking of a dead insect and not being able to eat afterwards count? hide. This whole page definitely describes me! Hi. I currently feel tingly and terrified like bugs are covering me. BYE. To me i find them so disgusting and ugly, even butterflies, i get scared of them too. I can only see colors, so when I see a flying bug all I can see is a blob so that scares me even more because I have no idea what kind of bug I’m trapped with. The phobia of cockroaches , also called katsaridaphobia, is an irrational and persistent fear, being something unjustified and very debilitating for those people who suffer from this disorder. When a wasp comes near me i panic and then i run inside. mate, I was standing outside of school once. 100% Upvoted. I’ve always been scared to death of bugs for as long as I remember and even talking about bugs is enough to freak me out or make me paranoid. Entomophobia, more commonly referred to as insectophobia is a specific phobia of one or classes of insects. Any fear can escalate quickly enough to the point where you either don’t want to seek help or it’s hard to get rid of it. I don’t like touching or being too close to insects, and the thought of them causes me discomfort. She was in need of updated glasses so what we could see she could not and all the itchy red bumps she had on her skin and our skin she said were flea bites. I’ve always been scared of bugs but i feel like it’s getting worse. They are hundreds of box elders covering our house and many stink bugs on my porch. Complaining constantly about being bitten by bugs. I swear to everything holy I will commit suicide if that ever happens to me again. I cant see pictures or videos of bugs, i cant hear bugs, i cant even think of bugs without becoming tight chested and filled with the sensation of puking, shaking and crying. This is me! I also had a surreal dream… Nightmare more to speak, everything about it felt real and I woke up surrounded by blackness which didn’t help. I freak out when there is a bug anywhere near me, no matter size or the ability to fly (even ants) to the point where I will run away and get my brother to kill it, or try to hide. I literally tremble when I see a bug, even butterflies! The signs can be categorized as follows: Physical symptoms: These include hyperventilation, increased heart rate, trembling, dizziness, vomiting, intense sweating and pressure in the chest. On-going Site Safety TestingClick on the seal above to confirm our Trustwave audited compliance with the PCI, strict industry-standard for credit card security. But while the 'internal representations' as they are called are different from person to person there are a number of symptoms which are common to many entomophobes: Entomophobic symptoms can be mental, emotional and physical. People with phobias often purposely avoid coming into contact with the thing that causes them fear and anxiety. I don’t know when it started but now for most of my life i’ve become horrified about anything relating to bugs. I don’t know. If there's a specific insect you fear, then you can add a few more phobias: ants - Myrmecophobia. My fear has never caused me any issues with my daily functioning. You have three different names you can choose from that fall under "a fear of insects": Acarophobia, Entomophobia, or Insectophobia. So i left my bed and started sleeping on the couch. Hence, it becomes necessary to involve a multi-disciplinary approach to diagnose and treat Acarophobia. Thanks fam! I looked away for one second and then it was gone just like that. I don’t know why, but bugs scare me to death. They say I’m having an insect phobia which is correct I’m too scared of bugs and insects. Some of the most common symptoms are: 1. nausea and dizziness 2. shivering 3. difficulty breathing 4. high heart rate 5. drowning or strangling sensation 6. chest pains 7. numbness 8. excessive sweating 9. difficulty thinking or speaking clearly 10. inability to distinguish between the real … I want to be brave to kill them when they are in my house so they don’t get away while I get paper to kill them. I don’t know why, but since then I always call for someone and start crying when I see them dead. Is it only when they’re dead? To help your kid stay cool around insects, get your own response in check. I will not fear the unknown, instead i will learn about the most diverse ecosystem on the planet. I didn’t mind them, until I was in my teens. And best of all the experience of a lifetime with memories and stories that will be unforgettable. But the worst for me.. even a photo or even an illustration of a tick makes me anxious and uneasy.. I’ve lived and worked in places that were infested with them in the Northeast where they often do carry Lyme disease.. I’ve had other traumatic insect experiences: nasty bites from spiders, fire ants, as well as stings from hornets and aggressive wasps. Now, even the thought of a moth, housefly, any bug in general and especially cockroaches make me feel a little short of breath and slightly nauseous. : ants - myrmecophobia term for someone and start batting around and look like a crazy person and was! Dead bugs at night time car accident called as Entomophobia or Acarophobia ; these may be aggravating one’s.. Closed the door and ran of phobias, and roaches to make believe the. Was all by myself parents to move to Canada and eventually we fully. Extreme and thankfully live now in a climate where they aren ’ really! 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